• +1 (303) 832-2909 | MON-SAT 11-6PM & SUN 12-5PM CLOSED TUESDAY

Poptone - June 2017

This was pretty exciting! Daniel Ash, Kevin Haskins and Diva came to our shop to help us celebrate our stores 30th anniversary.  We had a huge turnout with all the Bauhaus, Love & Rockets and Tones on Tail fans. The band signed stuff and took pictures with everyone who showed - totally RAD!  They were in town playing at the Gothic theatre just up the street.  The show was 'an American Dream' come true.


This was cool - and like i said, where do rock stars get their gear?  Right here at FashioNation.  We hooked up the boys with Dr. Martens and a badass Tripp jacket!

A Bigger Splash!

Daniel and Kevin were very gracious in taking time with their fans who showed up for the signing!  The crazy stuff people brought in to get autographed!! WTF!! Bubblemen dolls, jackets, guitars, records, even cassettes.  It made for an interesting day for sure!

Tones on Tail - June 2016

Living it up! It's a big kick It's good for you!  Daniel Ash & Kevin Haskins - Bauhaus, Love & Rockets Tones on Tail. The Boys were in town for a big Dj gig at LipGloss - spinning with good friend of the shop Michael Trundle.  Michael brought them by FashioNation which was Awesome!. I think i have more records from these guys and the other bands they were a part of than any other band!  Love them!!  

Tones on Tail - Signature Wall

The Bubblemen are Coming!  So happy to have the Bubblemen back up on the wall at our new Shop!

David J - Bauhaus, Love & Rockets - July 2015

So much of my music collection has David J in it!  Two of my very favorite bands, Bauhaus and Love & Rockets.  David was in town doing a Dj set, he was hanging out with my old Boss at Rock Island, Dave Clamage, when they stopped by.  He signed a bunch of vinyl which was rad!

David J - Signature Wall

A 'foot note' - a pair of signatures 19 years apart.  David J signed our wall back in 1996, this is one of the few autographs we were able to keep from the old store.  I showed it to him during his visit and he signed our new wall with the matching left foot.  We have it framed in the new shop.

Bauhaus, Love & Rockets, Tones on Tail - Daniel Ash - July 2013

... No Big Deal... Just Daniel FREAKING Ash at the shop!!!  He was spinning a dj gig at the Beauty Bar across the street from our old shop.  He came over in the afternoon for a Pair of Doc's, then came back late night after his show and we hung out till the wee hours.  Daniel had his lovely girlfriend Regan with him (very sweet).  This might have been the funnest time out of all the days with the bandz!

Bauhaus, Love & Rockets, Tones on Tail - Rock Star Boot

Don't get a 'Kick in the Eye' with these babies!  A beat to shit 10 eye black Bec steel toe Dr. Marten boot. Most of the boys are on it, just missing Peter, but that's ok!  David J. Daniel Ash, Kevin Haskins.  It's a cool 'Dark Entry' to our boot collection 

Peter Murphy - May 2005

what's better than a Kick In The Eye? - hanging out with Peter Murphy!  We didn't get him in the shop but we did arrange a trade.  He set us all up with tickets and we set him up with some Dr. Martens - I'd call that fair!  We brought him 2 pair of 10 eye Steel Toes, one in Black the other in Cherry.  He said this is what he used to wear.  Right after the show, his tour manager Sasha took us all up on stage for this photo.