• +1 (303) 832-2909 | MON-SAT 11-6PM & SUN 12-5PM CLOSED TUESDAY

Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead - June 2000

When Lemmy walked through the door we were all kind of shocked.  A good friend of the store, Tony Broncucci ( AKA Tony Rock n Rolla  R.I.P.) brought him in.  Lemmy was ruff and grouchy and mean.. everything you wanted in a rock star!!  He wanted White TUK Creepers, we tried to get him a cool pair but his feet were messed up from year and years of crazy ass cowboy boots and he couldn't get this feet in them.  Lemmy looked up from his chair where he was trying on the shoes and said 'just get an god damn belt!' - he grabbed a 3 row pyramid studded white leather belt!  We asked him if we could take a photo, he looked kind of bothered, but when he saw Lisa, we knew it was cool.

Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead - Signature Wall

it doesn't get any better than this - Like we said he was kind of grumpy, which was ok, he was one hard ass man.  so when we asked him to sign the wall he did it up in style,  Motorhead you Motherfuckers! would you expect anything less..?