• +1 (303) 832-2909 | MON-SAT 11-6PM & SUN 12-5PM CLOSED TUESDAY

Gene Loves Jezebel - Michael Aston - 2018, 2020

we've come across Michael Aston we few times, once at Lost 80's live at Fiddlers Green and again recently at Ophelia's, he had that 'Rock Star' vibe going on, easy to hang out with, just kinda cool.. he signed up all our Vinyl and a sweet boot for our collection! We'll get him in the shop next time to Denver!

Gene Loves Jezebel - Jay Aston - October 2019

We've loved this band since we found them back in 1986 with their single "Desire".  We met one half of the twin brother band Michael Aston before at one of his shows, but it was really rad to meet the other twin Jay Aston, and even better to have him in the shop!  We set him up with TUK creepers and Jay signed up all our records.  His show was at Herman's Hideaway right next to our shop.  This was special, he gave us a sweet shout out from stage thanking us for his cool creepers!  I feel like we made a friend and he definitely has the 'it' factor, cool guy.

Gene Loves Jezebel - Rock Star Boot

we got to go see and meet up with both brothers in the last few months, crazy, we've followed them since the early 80’s with their hit songs Heartache and Desire.  Jay signed up this super old Tred-Air boot we had at the shop from way back in the day.  He gave us a "burn burn burn" lyric on the toe from 'Twenty Killer Hurts' one of our favorite songs from the band!  And just recently we got Michael hit it up as well