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oHgr - August 2018

Meeting up with ohGr after his show at the Oriental, he said he needed some new Kicks and wanted something lightweight with zippers, we hooked him up with a sweet pair of these new Dr. Martens.  Over the years, i think this is the 10th pair of boots of ours he's rock'n! 

OhGr - November 2008

When Ogre hit Denver, out on tour with - OhGr, Devils in my Details at the Ogden theatre.  He stopped in with his dog!!!  he wasn't a Skinny Puppy ;) but really cute. We got him some Dr. Martens and he took us to the show!  (with store kids Liz, Creeper Steve and April & me)

Ohgr - May 2001

the second time through the door with Nivek Ogre of Skinny Puppy, this time with his spin off band Ohgr. (he's with store kids Lisa & Mary in the photo)

Skinny Puppy - Rock Star Boot

Ogre came back to the shop, he was on tour with his band Ohgr (they were playing at the Ogden).  We were amazed that he was still wearing the boots he got from us 4 years earlier back in 1997.  They were beat to shit but still going strong.  He needed a new pair of something, so we hooked him up with a pair of TUK buckle boots.  I asked him what he was going to do with the old ones, he said we'd split them, he gets one- we get the other.  Cool i thought, we'll take the left so we can say we have Ogre's "Left" boot .. the one he "Left' here.. you get the joke..;)

Ogre & Jef - December 1997

Dig it!  so gracious, he was happy just to hang with us for a few hours - here with store kid Jef ( R.I.P. ) it was Jef's favorite day at the shop.

Nivek Ogre - Signature Wall

In the immortal words of Nivek Ogre, "my place is in the ground - i am dead..."  this was the first time he signed our Wall of Fame

Nivek Ogre from Skinny Puppy & crew

Our first time meeting Nivek Ogre from Skinny Puppy.  During the Symbols tour as a member of KMFDM, the band showed up to FashioNation for some Dr. Marten and Gripfast boots. Ogre stayed an hour after the rest of the band left.  We were shocked how nice he was considering how wild his music is.  We've been in contact with him most every time he's been back to Denver.    (store kids, Eli Lisa Doug Michael & Jef - R.I.P. in the photo)

Ogre and his Boots

We wanted to hook him up with a pair of boots.  He said 'just pick me out something cool'.  We choose for him a wild pair of Gripfast 10 eye steel toes in flame rub/off with little devil heads embossed into the leather.  He was good with that.... ( more on this in a later post)