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B-52's Kate Pierson September 2018

A fun chance meeting with Kate Pierson of the B-52's, we did a promotion for their at Fiddlers Green and we able to go to the Meet & Greet with the band, we spoke to Fred Schneider before hand and arranged to bring him a cool pair of shoes compliments of Dr. Martens. And... just in case you were wondering, yes - she still has " it "  the girl rocks!

B-52's - Rock Star Boot

We got Kate Pierson & Fred Schneider to sign this cool old Tred-Air 10 eye flame boot!  a "hot one' for the boot collection ;) O and Fred gave us a sweet "Dang" on his autograph, i can hear him saying that now!!

The B-52's - June 2015

Fred Schneider had come to the shop in 2013, when he came back to Denver he set us up with passes for the big New Wave show at Fiddlers green. We got to meet Kate this time which was cool - all 5 feet of her!  The B-52's forever!!!  

The B-52's Fred Schneider - April 2013

We sent Fred Schneider at Note from Facebook and asked if he'd like to stop by before a DJ gig he was doing and Boom! there he was.  We got Dr. Martens to hook him up with a sweet pair of boots - went for a classic pair of Green 8 eyes! - the man has some good taste!