• +1 (303) 832-2909 | MON-SAT 11-6PM & SUN 12-5PM CLOSED TUESDAY

More & Faster, KMFDM - August 2011

A quick visit from KMFDM they were not even playing Denver - just passing through, made a fast stop for some gear!

Marilyn Manson, NiN, Chris Vrenna - March 2010

Manson NiN Tweaker KMFDM etc... the list is so LLLLOOONNGG all the bands he's been in or a part of - Chris Vrenna came in before a Dj gig he had in town.  p.s. he was a good dude.

Anglespit with KMFDM - Meet & Greet

 We had them in the shop to do a record signing along with KMFDM, the store was packed!

KMFDM - Record signing

The bands 25th anniversary party/signing was setup by Sic Asylum and VampireFreaks.  We had a packed store of Industrial strength fans.  It made for an unforgettable time!  In the house this day, Sascha Konietzko  Lucia Cifarelli  Jules Hodgson  Andy Selway  Steve White

KMFDM - October 2009

KMFDM back at the shop! this time for a Cd signing. They were out on the 'Kein Mitleid' (no mercy) tour.  The band was celebrating 25 years of Ripping the System!  Our Lip Service rep at the time, Mickey Finn (from JetBoy) flew in for all the fun!

KMFDM - Rock Star Boot

KMFDM = killer motherfucking dance music? - maybe, kill motherfucking Depeche Mode?? - could be... or.. "no pity for the majority" - i think so.  anyway we have a bad ass signed boot for our collection!

Skinny Puppy - Rock Star Boot

Ogre came back to the shop, he was on tour with his band Ohgr (they were playing at the Ogden).  We were amazed that he was still wearing the boots he got from us 4 years earlier back in 1997.  They were beat to shit but still going strong.  He needed a new pair of something, so we hooked him up with a pair of TUK buckle boots.  I asked him what he was going to do with the old ones, he said we'd split them, he gets one- we get the other.  Cool i thought, we'll take the left so we can say we have Ogre's "Left" boot .. the one he "Left' here.. you get the joke..;)

KMFDM - December 1997

KMFDM at FashioNation During the Symbols tour, it was the first time Sascha and is band rolled into the shop for some Dr. Martens- Tim Sköld & En Esch 

KMFDM - Signature Wall

the most visible signature on the wall, KMFDM signed all our vinyl too!  the guys couldn't of been nicer, we had a great time with KMFDM at FashioNation During the Symbols tour back in 1997

KMFDM - Boys in the Band & Boots

KMFDM at FashioNation During the Symbols tour- Sascha, Tim Sköld & En Esch with our crew, Jef (RIP), Michael & Doug. 10 eyes 14 eyes & steel toes...  when they left they were all wearing our Dr. Marten & Gripfast boots