• +1 (303) 832-2909 | MON-SAT 11-6PM & SUN 12-5PM CLOSED TUESDAY

The Cramps - June 2003

The Cramps Lux Interior - that's right "Lux Interior" with Chopper Franklin dropped by FashioNation before their show at the Ogden.  We were proud to have such a huge Rock & Roll legend in our shop and we were proud to set him up with Winkle Pickers (aka cockroach killers) from TUK shoes. I asked him to sign our rock star wall above the door thinking if we ever did move/close we could keep his autograph.  Lux was like "no way, I'm not getting up on that ladder".  He ended up signing our wall in red but this turned out to be a drag, the red marker bleached out in the sun over the years.  In hindsight we did move and we were able to keep that part for the wall above the door, it would have been rad if we could of kept his signature... RIP Lux (1946 - 2009)