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Peter Murphy - May 2005

what's better than a Kick In The Eye? - hanging out with Peter Murphy!  We didn't get him in the shop but we did arrange a trade.  He set us all up with tickets and we set him up with some Dr. Martens - I'd call that fair!  We brought him 2 pair of 10 eye Steel Toes, one in Black the other in Cherry.  He said this is what he used to wear.  Right after the show, his tour manager Sasha took us all up on stage for this photo.

All We Ever Wanted Was Everything - Peter's Autograph

We first met up with Peter Murphy and his tour manager Sasha was at a record store.  A good friend to our shop (Dave Leach) owned Vendetta Records where Peter was signing CD's in support of his tour.  I brought a Bela Lugosi action figure I had along with the Bauhaus 12 inch single of Bela Lugosi's Dead.. I asked Peter to sign it.. he looked at me kind'a puzzled, but quickly got the joke.  I've had this up in the back room at the shop for years, adding signatures from the rest of Bauhaus as we've been lucky enought to have them all in our shop