• +1 (303) 832-2909 | MON-SAT 11-6PM & SUN 12-5PM CLOSED TUESDAY

Dead Kennedys - Jello Biafra

You dream about days like this and then they happen!  Jello - Freaking - Biafra at our shop getting Dr. Martens!  He Lives in Boulder, so not too far from FashioNation.  He made his way to Denver for a promotional visit at Wax Trax Records (best record store on the planet) he stopped in after his gig.  (with store kids Doug,Tina & me)

We've Got A Bigger Problem Now - Mr. Biafra

Did I mention Jello just can't make up his mind... seriously.. can't do it.. . I suppose if you have a customer who's in the shop forever deciding on what to get, it's pretty cool for it to be a living legend.  I think brought him every size 10 black DM we had in stock.  all in all a great day!  - (side note, did you ever see Tapeheads with John Cusack? Jellos in that too .. fun flick!)

Dead Kennedys, Jello Biafra - Rock Star Boot

Nazi Punks Fuck Off - Jello tell'n ya -  we got a pure DK punk soul for boot collection!