• +1 (303) 832-2909 | MON-SAT 11-6PM & SUN 12-5PM CLOSED TUESDAY

Echo and the Bunnymen - September 2022

Echo  back in the shop.  Will and the boys stopped in for Dr. Martens and T.U.K. creepers. we swapped shoes for tickets and the Royal treatment for their show at The Ogden Theatre  Afterwords, we were off to the Crypt for drinks till the wee hours  - what a bunch of great guys

Echo & the Bunnymen - Rock Star Boot

a great night with Echo and the Bunnymen.  we traded Dr. Martens for tickets for the crew, got to spend time with Ian McCulloch after the show - we've had this boot signed by different member over the years, different times in the shop, but to get to hang with Ian and have him finish this off was special!

Echo & the Bunnymen - September 2016

Another classic day at the shop, the boys from Echo and the Bunnymen came back for a visit before their show at The Ogden Theatre, it's been 15 years since the last time in our store. They put on an such an amazing performance. we hooked them up with some Dr. Martens which they worn on stage that night!  We got to meet up with Ian McCulloch back stage - it's crazy you couldn't understand a word he said but c*nt & F*ck

Echo & the Bunnymen - July 2001

Echo in the House!  Will Sergeant brought his young crew by the shop for Dr. Marten footwear.  No Ian McCulloch though... he went to the strip club :(  the boys put on a great show that night at the Bluebird and Ian sounded great!

Echo & the Bunnymen - Signature Wall

E.A.T.B. !  we got Will on the wall!  it was a blast to talk music with Will Sergeant.  I usually never bring up music with bands, but he was signing my records and we spoke about a few 'favorite versions' of songs.. pretty rad.