• +1 (303) 832-2909 | MON-SAT 11-6PM & SUN 12-5PM CLOSED TUESDAY

Front 242 - Signature Wall

When the band was signing our wall, i forgot I had from Teletunes a Promo can of BiGod 20 "Bog soup"  Jean-Luc De Me was happy to serve up an autograph.  There is Laibach's signing on the wall too, forgot to post that one :)

Laibach - November 2004

From Slovenia, this Industrial powerhouse band  was out to support their 'Anthems' Cd.  We had a little communication problem, but we got along just fine!!  - and their show was CrAzY!!! They had a film crew with them for a DVD they were shooting "A Film from Slovenia – Occupied Europe NATO Tour 1994-95" - but we didn't make the cut... i think it was a language barrier issue

Laibach - Steel toes!

Nataša Regovec, she played these huge military style drums at the show.. she was pretty quiet at the shop, but a wild thing on stage!  Here she is rocking Underground "slayers' , she wore them on stage too!